1999 or back to PAINTINGS


“Vincent At 13”50 X 72 inches,(127 x 183cm) 1998, oil on canvas















“Outside/Inside”72 X 50 inches,(183 x 127cm) 1998, oil on canvas












"Lenti Bird Layers" 17 X 25 inches, (43 x 63 cm) 1998, oil on canvas














"Cain't Bottle It" 30 X 40 inches, (76 x 101 cm) 1998, oil on canvas













"Delusional Paperboy" 66 X 50 inches, (168 x 127cm) 1998, oil on canvas














"Return of the Stolen Art"26 X 32 inches, (168 x 127cm) 1998, oil on canvas
















"Window Painting" 78 X 72 inches,(198 x 183cm) 1998, oil on canvas














"(Here)" 72 X 56 inches,(183 x 142cm) 1998, oil on canvas














(There)" 77 X 77 inches,(196 x 196cm) 1998, oil on canvas














"Met Info Desk" 60 X 78 inches,(152 x 198cm) 1998, oil on canvas






1997 or back to PAINTINGS