2014 or back to PAINTINGS



"Go Joe Breakdown"50 X 66 inches, (125 x 168 cm) 2013, oil on canvas











"Epitre Pour NIcole"48 X 84 inches, (122 x 213 cm) 2013, oil on canvas











"SOTL"66 X 50 inches, (168 x 125 cm) 2013, oil on canvas












"Bright Lights"56 X 50 inches, (142 x 125 cm) 2013, oil on canvas NA












"Sake Tattoo" 34 X 46 inches, (86 x 117 cm) 2013, oil on canvas NA












"Guilty Gun Hand" 48 X 48 inches, (122 x 122 cm) 2013, oil on canvas













"Boy's Life"48 X 84 inches, (122 x 213 cm) 2013, oil on canvas




("NA" in the title caption indicates that the work is not available)




2012 or back to PAINTINGS