"Final Installment 48 X 48 inches,(122 x 122 cm. square) 1991, oil on canvas
"Genre 60 X 48 inches,(152 x 122 cm. square) 1991, oil on canvas
Makafoobooz 72 X 56 inches, (183 x 142 cm. square) 1991, oil on canvas
"Triumph of Hope 90 X 70 inches, (228 x 178 cm. square) 1991, oil on canvas
"Photographic Memory 24 X 24 inches, (53 x 53 cm. square) 1991, oil on canvas
"Sunburned in Babylon 30 X 26 inches, (76 x 62 cm. square) 1991, oil on canvas
"RC-2 60 X 72 inches, (152 x 183 cm. square) 1991, oil on canvas
"RC-1 72 X 72 inches,(183 x 183 cm. square) 1991, oil on canvas
("NA" in the title caption indicates that the work is not available)