"Bluer Note 26 X 29 inches, (66 x 74 cm) 1992, oil on canvas
"Little Horse Thief 26 X 29 inches, (66 x 74 cm) 1992, oil on canvas NA (stolen)
"P3's First26 X 30 inches, (66 x 76 cm. square) 1992, oil on canvas NA
Marlborough Man rides to Hell" 1992, 48 X 60 inches,(122 x 152 cm) oil on canvas NA
"Man in Limo60 X 48 inches, (152 x 122 cm. square) 1992, oil on canvas
"Cops on Horses24 X 24 inches, (61 x 161 cm.) 1992, oil on canvas
"Heart of the Crowd 24 X 24 inches, (61 x 61 cm. square) 1992, oil on canvas
Audience for Celebrity56 X 56 inches, (142 x 142 cm. square) 1992, oil on canvas
"Militant Musicians 60 X 36 inches, (152 x 91cm) 1992, oil on canvas
"Small Quartet 24 X 36 inches, (152 x 61 cm) 1992, oil on canvas collection:The Family Center New York, New York NA
("NA" in the title caption indicates that the work is not available)